Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Getting back in the groove

Well after getting on the scale and seeing my numbers increase and my goal get further behind, I decided I have to up the anty. I have a 5k to train for and a whopping 9 lbs to reach my goal. I know I can do this. I have done it in the past, and I have already come so far. It is a bit frustrating though, to have done so much work and realize that I am falling back. I know it is because of what I ate this weekend, not working out on Monday and using Labor day as an excuse. I have to stop making excuses, and stop over eating and choosing the wrong things. 

I went to the store today and spent more money then I should have, but I got a lot of fresh products to snack on. I am going to turn this family around...I need to for me and for us. I do not want my kids to grow up and be unhealthy. I also do not want them to grow up and think being skinny is everything. There is such a delicate balance. 

I am excited though, because I can feel my lungs are starting to finally heal. After doing Zumba tonight, which after I got sick became challenging, was a bit on the easy side. Sure I worked up a sweat, and sure my heart was racing but it felt too easy. This is encouraging because now maybe I can go for a run and not die in the process because my lungs just could not hack it. 

After I finally reach my goal weight, it will be all about toning. Toning, toning, toning. After having my son, I am unhappy with how my stomach looks. Apparently having 4 kids can destroy it!! I would do it all over again, just to have my kids. But, it is frustrating. 

I know my thoughts are all over the place tonight. I am upset with myself for the weekend binge and weight gain, but also so happy that my lungs are getting stronger again. And it is late and I am exhausted. I am going to head to bed soon, so I can wake up and do a work out before I start my day. But first, I must wash some dishes, since my dishwasher decided to bite the dust tonight. 

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